What is a portable digital signage? How to use it better to experience its advantages
24 Nov2021What are the benefits of deploying LCD advertising players in hotels?At present, LCD advertising machines and touch all-in-one machines have been widely used in the commercial field. They can be seen in large supermarkets, hotelsDec 02, 2021
Which one is better, the stand-alone LCD advertising machine or the online LCD advertising machine?1. The release speed of the online version of the LCD advertising machine is significantly higher than that of the stand-alone version
The stand-alone version oDec 02, 2021Why is the bar LCD advertising player so popular?1. The form of expression is rich and colorful
The generous and stylish appearance of Bar LCD has the effect of beautifying the city. The high-definition high-bNov 24, 2021What is a portable digital signage? How to use it better to experience its advantages1. What is a portable digital signageThe portable digital signage is a development version of the water sign. It is a kind of advertising machine. Compared withNov 24, 2021
How to choose the LCD bar screen correctly?1. Product brand
In the actual application project, the LCD bar screen is selected according to the needs, and the first step is to decide which brand of LCD baNov 24, 2021What are the main applications of lcd bar screens in the market?The LCD bar screen is combined with the information release system to support basic functions such as split-screen playback, time-sharing playback, and timing sNov 23, 2021
Do you really know the bar LCD screen?With the advancement of science and technology, the development of the transportation industry has been continuously promoted as well as the development of LCDNov 22, 2021