Why Restaurants Need Self-Service Ordering Advertising Kiosks?


  Self-service ordering kiosks - the solution for modern restaurateurs. If you are wondering what this technology can do for your restaurant? Simply put, there are four uses.

  1.Increase the price per customer

  One of the benefits of this customer-facing technology is the impact it will have on your unit price.Those up-selling techniques you've been preaching at every staff meeting? Not so important anymore. With kiosks, up-selling is automatic.No need to rely on your staff to highlight your high margin items and expensive add-ons, your self-order kiosk can do it for you. All available add-ons for each menu item.can be displayed to customers, increasing the likelihood that they will add a set menu, side dishes, specials, additional small plates or "combinations" - all of which will increase the size of their total check.You'll be surprised when you look at your POS reports to see the effect of these little plug-ins - take it away from Taco Bell and they've made 20% moreorders accepted by their digital app, compared to orders accepted by human cashiers.

  2.Reduce wait times

  For a given shift, you only have so many employees, and with only one person on cash during your lunch rush, your lines will inevitably increase.Self-order kiosks will relieve you of long cash lines by allowing your customers to order and pay at their leisure. This convenience will directly impact your sales bybecause you'll be taking more orders faster than ever before.Given the rise of mobile payments like Apple Pay and Google Wallet, your customers' standards for convenience are higher than ever, depending on your delivery. You want to Create a memorable experience for your customers - will a 12-person deep lineup equipped with manual password keypads do that? No. Would instant gratification be entering their order and tap their phone to pay? Yes.

  By reducing wait times, you'll be able to take the pressure off your staff during peak hours while providing your customers with the service they would tell them to

  3.Improve Order Accuracy

  As your customers select and submit their own orders, the margin of error for orders will be significantly reduced. Kiosks with visual menus will Reduce miscommunication - this will ensure that your customers know exactly what they are ordering, which means they can't come back and say "that's not what I ordered".With increased order accuracy, your kitchen won't waste time preparing unordered items and your servers won't have to deal with angry "wrong order" customer complaints.With self-ordering technology, you can make the cost of gaps and discounts a thing of the past.

  4.Save labor

  By giving your customers control over the ordering process, you'll have more flexibility in staffing your restaurant. You may want to move some front of house service staff to the kitchen to help with the high volume of orders, or reduce your staff cashiers from two to one. This time you can actually save labor!

  Imagine that while self-service technology allows you to have fewer counter service staff, you will be able to devote more staff to help solve customer problems and create better service